Yes, Pete Buttigieg Is Gay Enough: You’re Just Assholes
America Is Doomed / Rants and Raves

Yes, Pete Buttigieg Is Gay Enough: You’re Just Assholes

2020’s Democratic presidential primary has boiled down to one vital question. No, not what candidate you’re going to vote for. No, not who is most likely to beat our next best daytime TV talk show host president. No, not whose policies would be the best direction for our country, especially since whoever wins will inherit … Continue reading

Filthy Dreams’ Democratic Sleaze Makeover
America Is Doomed / Plastic Sleaze / Trash

Filthy Dreams’ Democratic Sleaze Makeover

Ugh! We have had it all the way up to our chinny-chin-chin with Trumpy Bear’s capitalization of what once belonged to us: SLEAZE! First there was the whole pussy grabbing–or was it pussy ass bitch–thing. Then, Stormy. Melania’s outfits. Don Jr.’s beard. Kavanaugh’s boozy meltdown. Jerry Falwell Jr.’s pictures. Religious leaders laying hands on Trump’s … Continue reading

Why Are All The Democratic Candidates’ Campaign Playlists So Painful?: Announcing Our Own Filthy Dreams 2020 Playlist Candidacy
Music / Trash

Why Are All The Democratic Candidates’ Campaign Playlists So Painful?: Announcing Our Own Filthy Dreams 2020 Playlist Candidacy

This week, The New York Times published an in-depth feature analyzing the campaign event playlists of nine of the Democratic primary candidates for the 2020 election. And, you know what, dearest Filthy Dreams playlist listeners, it was a bore! What a disappointment, as the candidates’ campaign rally playlists ranged from snoozefest to just barely acceptable! … Continue reading