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Filthy Dreams GIF Review: “Tears Then Holes” at Rachel Uffner Gallery

Pam Lins, Crying Eyes, 2016-2018, glazed stoneware, unlimited handmade edition (Courtesy the artist and Rachel Uffner Gallery, New York)

After laughter comes tears. At least that’s what Wendy Rene sang in 1964 and over fifty years later, those lyrics still ring true in our farcical age. Of course, “After Laughter (Comes Tears)” is just one of many songs that take up crying as its subject, joining others like “The Weeping Song,” “96 Tears” and “Crying,” which was translated into “Llorando” by Rebekah Del Rio in David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive, combining my two favorite Lynchian tropes: crying in clubs and torch songs.

Similarly inspired by too many teardrops, a current group exhibition Tears Then Holes at Rachel Uffner Gallery sobs, weeps, sniffles, snivels and bawls. The show’s theme largely originated with artist and co-organizer Pam Lins’s Crying Eyes, a series of singular eyes with one tear that she’s been making every Monday during the Trump administration. This ode to weeping doesn’t end there, however, with other inclusions ranging from Nicole Eisenman’s works on paper, including one (literally titled 1) featuring a person drinking their own tears, to Tony Feher’s wall-mounted line-up of plastic bottles filled with various shades of blue to Christine Wang’s painting of Johnny Depp’s juvenile delinquent character from our preeminent filth elder John Waters’s Cry-Baby emblazoned with the phrase “I wish I had a white boyfriend.” It’s an ironic wish in conversation with Depp’s recent slide into drunken and abusive batshittery.

Tears Then Holes’s relatable commitment to dramatics makes it a perfect candidate for a GIF review. Who doesn’t love some over-the-top hysterics? And in 2018, who is to say what is an emotional overreaction anymore anyway? So “read” on and if you feel a lump in your throat, make sure you have some extra tissues:

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