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Filthy Dreams’ Hellcat Road Trip Playlist

Ralph Steadman shows how Raoul Duke and Dr. Gonzo know how to do a road trip

Ralph Steadman shows how Raoul Duke and Dr. Gonzo know how to do a road trip

Why hello there! Here, help us pack up the car! Yes, Mary, we’re bringing Bloody Mary in thermoses. Save your judgments for later once we’re gone!

Your always faithful Filthy Dreams co-founders are almost ready to venture off into the great unknown on our rabidly raunchy road trip to New Orleans. How can we pack without knowing what tacky road stops, terrible dingy bars and demented dives await us on our southern odyssey?  However, one thing is for certain–we need a good playlist.

Luckily, we’ve got our Filthy Dreams Hellcat Road Trip Playlist to satisfy your need for speed. “Get off the road,” shout the R. Lewis Band, the original hellcats and don’t worry, queen, that’s just what those other dullard motorists are going to do when you go screeching past, shrieking Sylvester at the top of your lungs. No worries about traffic today!

Instead of describing our admittedly feverish thinking behind some of these swampy, Elvis-inspired trash tunes, we’ll just let you enjoy them on your own and try to figure out what was going on inside our frenzied minds. And if you figure it out, please, do let us know.

As Hunter S. Thompson said, “Buy the ticket, take the ride.” If it’s good enough for the Good Doctor, it’s good enough for us and boy, what a ride it’ll be!

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